Sunday 28 July 2013

# 80 (2013) The Empowerment Playlist

Everyone should have an empowerment playlist.

If you haven't got one, try putting one together. I fill mine with music for when I'm losing direction or need to be reminded about who I am. The words give me a symbolic kick up the arse. But after that, it's all down to me.

My list doesn't have any high culture in it. It's mostly pop and if the stars singing the lyrics had stuck by the words it would have been iconic. But I don't think they all did.

I have on the other hand. And there are one or two in particular that I use at any point I start to lose my nerve or forget what the hell it is I am supposed to be doing with my life. Some of them come from worse times in my life. They remind me of where I used to be and where I don't want to be again.

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